Discontinued Products

Discontinued products are listed here for reference, for customers that may have prior generation ALPS leak testing equipment.

Email info@alpsleak.com to start planning for a new machine or an upgrade.

ALPS Model 7385 Rotary Leak Tester

The Model 7385 is the predecessor to the ALPS NexGen Rotary leak tester. Machines were shipped with the Smart Test Module (STM) electronic test heads beginning in 1991 and the last Model 7385 machines were built in early 2009.

Download ALPS Model 7385 Rotary Brochure

ALPS SS Linear Single-Station Indexing Conveyor Leak Tester

The SS Linear leak tester was superceded by the SC Linear indexing conveyor head leak tester in late 2013, which incorporated controls updates, a new frame design, and other mechanical improvements.

ALPS SS-100 Single-Station Indexing Conveyor Leak Tester

The SS-100 was replaced with the SS Linear moving head leak tester (listed above) in 2010, which incorporates a completely new control system featuring an Omron PLC and color touch screen.

Download ALPS SS-100 Brochure

ALPS RS-100 Single-Station Moving Head Leak Tester

The RS-100 was replaced with the RS Linear moving head leak tester in 2010, which incorporates a completely new control system featuring an Omron PLC and color touch screen.

Download ALPS RS-100 Brochure

ALPS SX-Flex Linear Leak Tester

The SX-Flex single-station leak tester was replaced with the SX Linear bottle stop leak tester in 2011, which incorporates a completely new control system featuring an Omron PLC and color touch screen.

Download ALPS SX-Flex Brochure